Friday, March 23, 2012

Just another day in paradise… or not… (last Thursday)

So yesterday started off a great and well, as the day went on, it just sort of fell apart to be honest. First thing on the agenda was going to fill out new hire paperwork at my new job, which is super exciting. Because I had fallen and really hurt my knee the night before and I knew I would have to take the bus there and walk over .5 a mile to the office and even with a brace, I was not up for that so I opted to order a cab, a cab that cost me $30 dollars I so don’t have actually. (I know you are just know finding out about the cab ride Sir but I ask that you forgive me for not discussing it first) The paperwork goes great and my new boss even was able to give me a ride back. Once I am home, I get on Skype with Chief and just as we are in the middle of a very serious and un-enjoyable yet needed “discussion” over procrastination, my computer decided that it is going to stop charging and of course the battery is about to die. I turn it off and get on the phone with him, distraught and upset. We figure out a plan for me to take the bus to drop my laptop off at this computer shop. My knee is killing me but the brace is sort of hurting so I make another decision without discussing it first and choose to only bring the cane. (one more thing you are just now finding out about and would have probably changed the outcome of the evening, so again please forgive me) It takes forever to get there, the bus driver didn't stop where I needed him to and I ended up having to walk quite a ways. I find out it will cost me $90 to fix but I leave the computer there and start my journey home, my patience nearing an end. There is even more painful walking and some snippy words on my part said to Chief over the phone as I am trying to find the bus stop I need to be at. I assume since I came on the 550 that it’s the bus I need to go home so I get on it and unfortunately for me it wasn't the right bus. This nice lady helped me and told me to get off at this one transit center and get on this other bus to take me to this other transit center to catch the bus I need. I am at the first stop and my anxiety level (thanks to PTSD) is at a high and I notice some people smoking near me. I recently quit smoking back in November, but at that moment I didn't care, I bummed one and enjoyed it immensely and at the same time hated it. I only made it through half, but instead of throwing it away, I tucked it in a safe spot in the laptop case for later. I catch the right bus, go to the next transfer center and get on the right bus finally. By this time it is getting pretty late but I was almost home and I text Chief letting him know I will be there shortly. Well I was still talking to a fellow Wisconsinite that I met at the transfer center as my stop came and since I didn't pull the string, he never stopped and I had to ride that bus another 40 minutes until it circled and came back to the stop near my place. My phone was dead, my knee was hurting, and I was not in the best of moods but I was trying to stay positive, as I was only like a 15-20 minute walk with my cane home (normally only 3-5 mins) not 5 minutes after the bus left, a man came up behind me and grabbed my laptop case assuming I was an easy target. As he grabbed that I swung around and hit him with my cane, he punched me in the head, I punched him in the nose (hoping I broke it) and he then punched me in the jaw, making me lose my balance and fall, once again re-injuring my knee. Once he found that my laptop case was empty he threw it and ran. 30 minutes I lay on the ground crying, and another 40 minutes to hobble home. The cops came, ambulance came and I was taken to the closest ER where they x-rayed my knee and found no breaks, just fluid in my joints and some pulled and torn tendons and fixed me up with a splint-brace that goes from my top thigh to my ankle. I finally got home at 3am, swollen, hurting and tired; I crashed.


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